Current Initiatives

Driving innovation in privacy and personalization

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About EP3 Foundation

We are a non-profit dedicated to eliminating the conflict between privacy and personalization while enabling trust on a global scale.

The EP3 Foundation brings together industry leaders, innovators, and experts to incubate solutions, technologies and governance that allow individuals, organizations, and their AI agents to safely interact online and pool and equitably share resources on a global scale without risking their privacy, cybersecurity, regulatory compliance, or commercial rights.

Our Vision

An Internet where privacy, cybersecurity and compliance is assured, and where people, organizations and their AI agents can safely and easily interact, form networks, and do business on a global scale.

Our Mission

To incubate innovation and trusted governance that makes the Internet and people's lives safer, more convenient, more productive and sustainable.

Collaborative Approach

Innovation Focus

Global Impact

Privacy First

How We Do It

Breakthrough innovation and trusted governance power our approach to privacy and personalization. Our patented privacy technologies establish a new foundation for secure collaboration, verifiable trust, and personalized experiences—without compromising privacy, security, or compliance. These breakthroughs seamlessly integrate with existing systems, content, and infrastructure to unlock transformative capabilities at scale


Patented Breakthroughs

Our cutting-edge privacy technologies, including Quantum Privacy™, Proof of Trust, and the Unified Trust Model™, are protected by patents—delivering exclusive, next-generation security and personalization without exposure risks.

Foundational Breakthroughs

Quantum Privacy™

Multilayered quantum-safe cryptographic protection and zero-trust processing enables decentralized computation, policy enforcement & records discovery

  • No privileged insiders required for computation or enforcement.
  • No information exposure to any person, system, or organization.
  • Need-to-know decryption only after Proof of Trust verification.

Proof of Trust

Allows online users, regulators, data subjects, and enterprises to independently define and enforce their trust criteria.

  • Automatic inheritance of trust criteria by aggregates, computational derivatives, and responses.
  • Verifiable enforcement before any sensitive information is revealed.
  • Cryptographic binding to a public ledger for simultaneous multi-stakeholder policy enforcement.

Unified Trust Model™

Enables decentralized governance of trust across identity, security, privacy, compliance, data quality, semantic interoperability, and commercial terms.

  • No required consistency or mutual trust across participants.
  • Simultaneous enforcement of diverse, evolving policies from multiple stakeholders.
  • Interoperability & resource pooling across different technologies, trust models, and regulatory jurisdictions.

Enables Transformative Capabilities


Enables non-technical users and AI agents to generate EasyAccess URLs for seamless access, sharing, and interoperability via Privacy Networks.

  • Universal access to web content, apps, and online services through browsers, messaging clients, and social networks.
  • End-to-end secure messaging & payments across devices and platforms
  • Consent & many-factor authentication and identity verification across organizations

Privacy Networks

Privacy Networks provide individuals and enterprises with secure, interoperable, and privacy-preserving solutions for digital interactions.

  • Seamless access, messaging & payments across any client and device.
  • Anonymous identity verification & automated rights enforcement across organizations.
  • Unprecedented cybersecurity, privacy & regulatory compliance.
  • End-to-end process optimization & privacy-preserving personal AI agents.

Privacy Network Exchange

Enables individuals and enterprises to safely pool, recombine, reprocess, and reuse privacy-sensitive, regulated, and proprietary resources at zero marginal cost.

  • Personalized AI services & process optimization at Internet scale.
  • Built-in safeguards to uphold privacy, security, compliance, and commercial rights.
  • Revenue & value-sharing through Exchange Tokens for participants.

Join Our Mission

Be part of the movement to transform privacy and personalization in the digital age.

Individual Membership

Join as an individual to contribute to our mission and access exclusive resources.

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Enterprise Partnership

Partner with us to drive innovation in privacy and personalization.

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